Effective Enforcement of
EU Law & Policy

Schedule of Events 2018
1 - 2 June 2018
ComplianceNet, University of Irvine, California, USA
'Measuring Compliance in the 21st Century'
Papers presented:
'Regulatory Enforcement in the EU: In Search of an Interdisciplinary Approach'
'Legal rights without effective compliance solutions: assessing the effectiveness of the EU Passenger Rights Regime'
4-6 July 2018
ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance, Lausanne, Switzerland
'Between Effectiveness and Legitimacy'
Themed Panel:
'Regulatory Enforcement in the EU: In Search of an Interdisciplinary Approach'
1st UACES CRN Research Meeting
2-5 September 2018
UACES 48th Annual Conference, University of Bath, UK
Two Themed Panels:
Enforcement of EU and policy I & II
2nd UACES CRN Research Meeting