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Effective enforcement goes to the heart of all policy areas falling within EU competence, and is a key component of the EU's credibility and legitimacy. Yet patterns of enforcement can vary considerably in different policy areas for a number of reasons. The traditional 'dual vigilance' framework has been overtaken by EU policymakers 

experimenting with a diverse range of policy strategies and instruments. Scholars from different disciplines have begun investigating these instruments adopting a range of theoretical and methodological approaches.What has emerged is a complex web of legal and regulatory practices, strategies and actors that operate at EU and national level.

Mapping the complex web of EU enforcement
Building connections across academic disciplines

The key aims of the network are:

- To map and evaluate the different enforcement practices across   diverse policy areas

- To establish a common operating language on what                  

  effectiveness means in the context of particular enforcement  

  techniques to aid interdisciplinary collaboration

- To assess the 'effectiveness' of the complex enforcement web

- To provide a forum for broadening the dissemination of    

  empirical data and theoretical research undertaken in different     disciplines.

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